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Custom report from workflow log

I received this request in many forms from various users including auditors. Though it came in differant flavours, the basic requirement is to identify, the different approvars and the final approvar who caused the release of the document. In our company we are using workflow mainly for PR and PO approvals. All the previous instances I avoided looking into that saying that it is difficult to get our hands into the workflow system and it is complicated. Finally this time I thought, let me see how this can be done. After spending half a day, I realised that it is not that difficult at all. There are two function modules, which satisfies my requirement. But this can be improved based on individual requirement. The first function module is SAP_WAPI_WORKITEMS_TO_OBJECT. This one gives the list of work items for a specific object. This even allows to select based on a time frame. The output table contains the workitem ID of the workflow apart from many other details. Again in our company we have developed PR and PO workflow as main and subworkflows. It is possible to get the sub workflows also in this FM by passing the relevent parameters. Next another FM needs to be executed to get the detailed log like, the status, approval agent, date etc. The FM for this is SWP_WORKFLOW_LOG_READ. Only the Workitem ID of the main workflow needs to be passed as a parameter. The output is returned as SWP_LOGTAB.


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