I remember, when I learnt COBOL, our instructor used to give us problems to solve. One of the problems often repeated in all programming classes was to write the code for rounding off numbers, without using built in functions. In SAP it is a bit tricky, as SAP stores amout fields as currency types. These fields are stored internally with 2 decimals, irrespective of the currency used. It can be easily done using write statement if you want to round the amount field in the report. How to do it if you want to round it store it as a currency amount field itself. This is a problem in SAP query reports. In my case the user wanted to amount fields to appear rounded to nearest integer. SAP has some built-in-functions like ceil, floor but they can not be used as it is, due to the fact that the amount is stored internally with 2 decimals. Most of the currencies are with 2 decimals and it is still not a problem. This can be easily achieved by the following operation. A constant need to be defin...