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Showing posts from November, 2007

Vendor Consignment Business Process

Wikipedia offers a very simple definition for consignment . It is a process of placing a thing in the hand of another, but retaining the ownership until the goods are sold or used. In SAP consignment business process can be implemented very easily using the following steps. Activate Consignment inforecords using tcode OMEV. This activates the consignment prices to be picked up using the consignment info records. configure a special procurement type using IMG->Production->MRP->Master Data->Define special procurement type. In OBYC configure the consignment payables account (transaction KON). Assign the special procurement type created in step 2 to all the materials that are to use the consignment process. This is done in the MRP2 view of the material master maintenance transaction Create Consignment info record using tcode ME11. Select info category as consignment. Create general data, Purchase Org data and conditions. Conditions allow you to create time dependent prices. Cre...

Develop Abap reports quickly and easily

Here is a piece of code to write ABAP reports and format them easily and quickly. The following code can be created as an include and used whenever required. This code uses the ABAP objects and created as local class. This include can be used for printing Internal tables, either by passing the whole table or by passing individual lines. Using the following steps the report output can be easily formatted. Create object with referance to lcl_report. Create column formats for individual columns by building the t_format structure and calling the method add_column as follows call method x->add_column exporting l_format = comp_print = 'K' (to print the column with key color) comp_print = 'H' (to print the column as hotspot) Call method write_table for listing the whole internal table. call method x->write_table exporting p_table = Call method write_line for listing one line at a time. May be used in cases where loop control is with the main program. call method x...

COPA Characterestic Hierarchy

Many times in the past, other application support teams and even business teams had requested for soft copy of the characteristic hierarchy, so that they can replicate information in the hierarchical way SAP is showing. The following tables store the details of the tree structure TKCHH SAP-EIS: Hierarchy header TKCHHT SAP-EIS: Texts for hierarchy header TKCHN SAP-EIS Hierarchy nodes TKCHNT SAP-EIS: Hierarchy node texts TKCHV SAP-EIS: Hierarchy variants TKCHVT SAP-EIS: Description of hierarchy variants TKCHW SAP-EIS: Hierarchy data The tree structure can be replicated using the TKCHW table, which stores the tree relationship.